Wednesday 22 August 2012

There are other people here too!

Greetings from the home of the enormous speed hump and savage rumble strip.

Well, there are some other people here – how about that? So much for the plan of winning because nobody else shows – I will need to go to Plan B!

Rode with some of the (large) Australian contingent over the whole course yesterday as in the pictures. Lots from WA, a few from the east Coast and one from Singapore (part time Asian Continental team rider, and a rider of substance). Am getting the idea that there are some good guys here (surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would have said!). 

Australians with a random South African or two

Some more Australians
And even more!

The course has two climbs varying between 3 and 7 % both with false flats, one of 7.5 km and one of 9 km, and another one of 4-6% about 4.5 km long - a steady drag. There would not be two consecutive flat kms once out of town, so undulation is the name of the game. I won’t go on about the roads but my God, the roads!!!

Also attached for your viewing pleasure is my foot today after the stack 10 days ago – it doesn’t hurt but it sure is a technicolour extravaganza of bruising and swelling!

 The best news of all is that beer is ridiculously cheap - Peroni stubbies for about A$1.50! Worst news is that I am rationing myself to one a day (not at all in true Australian tradition!).

TT tomorrow, very hilly for a TT course. Guys here with amazing kit for the TT - Cannondale Slice, Specialized Shivs, you name it! We were passed by a guy going full gas yesterday on a flat, downwind section. We were doing a relaxed 35 or so with the breeze, he must have been doing 60+! Full sponsor vehicle behind him, US National Champion jersey with rainbow sleeves. After a brief consultation amongst the boys, the consensus was that he was the real deal. I would have got a photo but I missed the millisecond opportunity as he went passed.

Hot and humid here but great bike tanning weather! I am certainly looking forward to returning to the cooler weather of Ballarat – yeah right! 

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