Saturday 25 February 2012

No bike (and other disappointments)!

Well I had planned for my next post - it's been a while - to be all about my bike. I own a Cinelli Best Of Pro, or rather did own, as it was stolen last Sunday in Melbourne. The bike is pictured at the top of the blog page (although it wasn't stolen with the very shmick wheels!) and it would be great if any readers in Melbourne could keep their eye out for it. It is pretty much unique, so if you see it, any information can be emailed to . Thanks.

Some other real downers happened this week; On the day before my bike was stolen, my wife's horse was found dead and I carved up my hand removing a pedal from a borrowed bike (many thanks to Terry for the loan of his Trek) and needed 7 stitches. If bad things really happen in threes, we should be OK for a while now.

However, I went out today to race for the first time with Ballarat-Sebastapol CC and that wasn't good either! I didn't feel good on the bike and was dropped after 20 km, having really been struggling for the last 10 just to stay on. I found Josh's pre-race warm up on the trainer very hard, had not felt good on the ride out and felt even worse when the race started  - no good signs there! Still, it was some good training and I will try again when I have a bike that fits (the Trek is a lot too big) and see if I can do a little better.

Not much else to say but I'm sur ethe next post will be more positive!

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